Publications | Recent Preprints and Reprints | Invited Colloquia and Lectures
Recent Preprints and Reprints
- Sadjadi, S., Kwok, S., Cataldo, F., García-Hernández, D. A. & Manchado, A. A theoretical investigation of the possible detection of C24 in space. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 1-5, doi:10.1080/1536383X.2020.1731735 (2020) online access
- Kwok, S. Science Education in the 21st Century, Nature Astronomy, 2, 530-533; doi:10.1038/s41550-018-0510-4 (2018) online access
- Kwok, S. On the Origin of Morphological Structures of Planetary Nebulae, Galaxies, 6, 66; doi:10.3390/galaxies6030066 (2018) online access
- Kwok, S., Astrobiology as a medium of science education, Handbook of Astrobiology, Vera Kolb (ed.), CRP Press, Chapter 1.4 (2018) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Formation and delivery of complex organic molecules to the Solar System and early Earth, Handbook of Astrobiology, Vera Kolb (ed.), CRP Press, Chapter 4.2 (2018) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. 2017, Abiotic synthesis of complex organics in the Universe, Nature Astronomy, 1, 642-643 (2017)(pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Sadjadi, S., Hsia, C.-H., and Kwok, S. Search for Hydrogenated C60 (Fulleranes) in Circumstellar Envelopes, Astrophys. J., 845, 76 (2017)(pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Complex organics in space: from Solar System to distant galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. Rev., 24, 8 (2016) online access
- Sadjadi, S., Zhang, Y., and Kwok, S. On the Origin of the 11.3 Micron Unidentified Infrared Emission Feature, Astrophys. J., 807, 95 (2015)(pdf file)
- Sadjadi, S., Zhang, Y., and Kwok, S. A Theoretical Study on the Vibrational Spectra of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules with Aliphatic Sidegroups, Astrophys. J., 801, 34 (2015)(pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Search for water and life's building blocks in the Universe: An Introduction, Astronomy in Focus, 29B, 376-379 (2015)(pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Organic Dust in the Interstellar Medium, Publication of Korean Astronomical Society, 30, 155-158 (2015)(pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Organic Compounds in Circumstellar and Interstellar Environments, Orig. Life Evol. Biosph., 45, 113-121 (2015)(pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., and Kwok, S. On the Viability of the PAH Model as an Explanation of the Unidentified Infrared Emission Features, Astrophys. J., 798, 37 (2015)(pdf file)
- Hsia, C.-H., Chau, W., Zhang, Y., and Kwok, S. Hubble Space Telescope Observations and Geometric Models of Compact Multipolar Planetary Nebulae, Astrophys. J., 787, 25 (2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Organic Dust, Synthesis by Stars, in Encyclopedia of Astrobiology., p. 1787-1789 (2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Organic Dust, Influence on the Origin of Life, in Encyclopedia of Astrobiology., p. 1785-1787 (2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Unidentified Infrared Emission Bands, in Encyclopedia of Astrobiology., p. 2566-2569 (2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Red Rectangle, in Encyclopedia of Astrobiology., p. 2158-2159 (2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Protoplanetary Nebulae, in Encyclopedia of Astrobiology., p. 2073-2075(2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Star Dust, in Encyclopedia of Astrobiology., p. 2342-2344(2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Organic Nanoparticles as a Component of the Interstellar Medium, in IAU Symposium 297: The Diffuse Interstellar Bands, p.213-215 (2014) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S., and Zhang, Y. Unidentified Infrared Emission bands: PAHs or MAONs?, Astrophys. J., 771, 5 (2013)(pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., and Kwok, S. On the Detections of C60 and Derivatives in Circumstellar Environments, Earth, Planets and Space, 65, 1069 (2013) (pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Kwok, S., Nakashima, J.-i., Chau, W., and Dinh-V.-Trung. A Molecular Line Survey of the Carbon-rich Protoplanetary Nebula AFGL 2688 in the 3 mm and 1.3 mm Windows, Astrophys. J., 773, 71 (2013) (pdf file)
- Koning, N., Kwok, S., and Steffen, W. Post Asymptotic Giant Branch Bipolar Reflection Nebulae: Result of Dynamical Ejection or Selective Illumination?, Astrophys. J., 765, 92 (2013) (pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Hsia, C.-H., Kwok, S. Discovery of a Halo around the Helix Nebula NGC 7293 in the WISE All-Sky Survey, Astrophys. J., 755, 53 (2012) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Amorphous Organic Solids as a Component of Interstellar Dust, Earth, Planets and Space, 63, 1021 (2011) (pdf file)
- Koning, N., Kwok, S., and Steffen, W. Morphology of the Red Rectangle Proto-planetary Nebula, Astrophys. J., 740, 27 (2010) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Historical overview of planetary nebulae, in IAU Symposium 283: Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, p. 1-8 (2011) (pdf file)
- Chong, S.N., Kwok, S., Imai, H., Tafoya, D. Multipolar planetary nebulae: Not as geometrically diversified as thought, in IAU Symposium 283: Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, p. 184-187 (2011) (pdf file)
- Koning, N., Kwok, S., and Steffen, W. Morphology of the Red Rectangle Proto-Planetary Nebula, in IAU Symposium 283: Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, p. 410-411 (2011) (pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Kwok, S., Hsia, C.-H., Nakashima, J.-i., and Koning, N. Planetary nebulae detected in the Spitzer Space Telescope GLIMPSE 3D Legacy Survey, in IAU Symposium 283: Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, p. 528-529 (2011) (pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Kwok, S., and Ko, C.-M. A study of the effect of ionization and illumination on morphologies of planetary nebulae, in IAU Symposium 283: Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, p. 530-531 (2011) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Synthesis of Organic Matter by Stars and its Effect on the Origin of Life on Earth, in The 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, PRCSA2011, Lijiang, China, p. 3-8 (2011) (pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Kwok, S. Detection of C60 in the Protoplanetary Nebula IRAS 01005+791, Astrophys. J., 730, 126 (2011) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Molecular evolution from AGB stars to planetary nebulae, in IAU Symposium 280: The Molecular Universe, p. 119-231 (2011) (pdf file)
- Zhang, Y., Kwok, S., Hrivnak, B.J. A Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph Spectral Study of a Sample of Galactic Carbon-Rich Proto-Planetary Nebulae, Astrophys. J., 725, 990 (2010) (pdf file)
- Hsia, C.H., Kwok, S., Zhang, Y., Koning, N., and Volk, K. An Optical-infrared Study of the Young Multipolar Planetary Nebula NGC 6644, Astrophys. J., 725, 173 (2010) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. SpS1-Infrared and submillimetre-wave spectroscopy as probes of stellar evolution, in Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 15, CUP, pp. 508 (2009) (pdf file)
- Huang, Z.-Y., Hasegawa, T.I., Dinh, V.T., Kwok, S., Muller, S., Hirano, N., Lim, J., Muthu Mariappan, C., and Lyo, A. Detection of Multiple Bipolar Flows in Ngc 7027 with Submillimeter Array, Astrophys. J., 722, 273 (2010) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S., Chong, S.N., Hsia, C.H., Zhang, Y., Koning, N. Discovery of a Multipolar Structure with an Equatorial Disk in NGC 6072, Astrophys. J., 708, 93 (2010) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Morphological Structures of Planetary Nebulae, Publ. Astron. Soc. Australia, 27, 174 (2010) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Delivery of Complex Organic Compounds from Planetary Nebulae to the Solar System, Inter. J. Astrobiology, 8, 161 (2009) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Organic Matter in Space: from Star Dust to the Solar System, Astrophys. Space Sc. (invited review),319, 5 (2009) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Stellar Evolution from AGB to Planetary Nebulae, IAU Symp. 252: The Art of Modelling Stars in the 21st Century, eds. L. Deng, K.L. Chan, C. Chiosi, CUP, p. 197-203 (2008) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Synthesis of Organic Compounds in the Circumstellar Environment, in IAU Symp. 251: Organic Matter in Space, eds. S. Kwok & S. Sandford, CUP, p. 175-184 (2008) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. The Morphology and 3-D Structures of the Ionized, Molecular, and Dust Components of Planetary Nebulae, in Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae IV, eds. R.L.M. Corradi, A. Manchado, N. Soker , IAC electronic publications, pp. 11-18 (2009) (pdf file)
- Volk, K., Kwok, S., and Hrivnak, B.J. Possible Precession Motion in the Bipolar Proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 17441-2411, Astrophys. J., 670, 1137 (2007) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. A New Molecular Factory (News & Views), Nature, 447, 1063 (2007) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S., Zhang, Y., Koning, N., Huang, H.-H., & Churchwell, E. Planetary Nebulae Detected in the Spitzer Space Telescope GLIMPSE Legacy Survey, Astrophys. J. Suppl., 174, 426 (2008) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Enrichment of the Solar System by Organic Compounds Delivered from Evolved Stars, Advances in Space Research, 40, 1613-1619 (2007) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Molecules and Solids in Planetary Nebulae and Proto-Planetary Nebula, Advances in Space Research, 40, 655 (2007) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S., Hsia, C.H. Multiple Coaxial Rings in the Bipolar Nebula Hubble 12, Astrophys. J., 660, 341 (2007) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Evolution from the Asymptotic Giant Branch to Planetary Nebulae, in Planetary Nebulae as Astronomical Tools, ed. R. Szczerba, G. Stasińska, & S. K. Górny, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, New York, Vol. 804, pp. 187-196 (2005) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Synthesis of Organic Compounds in Planetary Nebulae and Proto-Planetary Nebulae, in Astrochemistry: from laboratory studies to astronomical observations, AIP Conference Proceedings, 855, 154-164 (2006) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Journal Club, Nature, 439, 637 (2006) (pdf file)
- Chang, H.-C., Chen, K., and Kwok, S. Nanodiamond as a Possible Carrier of Extended Red Emission, Astrophys. J. Letters, 639, L63 (2006) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. Planetary nebulae: new challenges in the 21st century, J. Korean Astr. Soc., 38, 271 (2005) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S., and Su, K.Y.L. Discovery of Co-Axial Rings in the Quadrupolar Planetary Nebula NGC 6881, Astrophys. J., 635, L49 (2005) (pdf file)
- Kwok, S. The Synthesis of Organic and Inorganic Compounds in Evolved Stars, Nature, 430, 985 (2004) (pdf file)